Klanghabitat brings you Cassiopeia MKII – saturation made simpleCassiopeia MKIIplugin will give you mutliple instances for the fraction of the price of the real deal. 

This update is free to all owners of Cassiopeia the plugin mk I.
Key Features

  • Based on our 500-series saturation unit; Cassiopeia & lyra
  • Unique circuit
  • Smooth Saturation
  • Works on a wide range of applications

So what’s new? First of all we redesigned the GUI from the ground up, now resizable to fit pretty much any resolution from small to extremely large screens. We still wanted the plugin to be simple and intuitive so you’ll find all of the standard controls from the past but with one!? new feature – the harmony screw, which will blend in even harmonics making the saturation inline with more traditionally sounding saturation units. 

We would like to celebrate this occasion with a discount period where you can purchase Cassiopeia MKII for a discountet price. 

Cassiopeia MK II | Now 29 €| 49 € Standard Price
The promotion period is set from the 22th of March to the 22th of April 2024.

Read more about our products:https://www.klanghabitat.com/

Cassiopeia MK II – Saturation Plugin – New Update